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namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\LookupRef;

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Functions;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Information\ExcelError;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\StringHelper;

class Unique
     * UNIQUE
     * The UNIQUE function searches for value either from a one-row or one-column range or from an array.
     * @param mixed $lookupVector The range of cells being searched
     * @param mixed $byColumn Whether the uniqueness should be determined by row (the default) or by column
     * @param mixed $exactlyOnce Whether the function should return only entries that occur just once in the list
     * @return mixed The unique values from the search range
    public static function unique($lookupVector, $byColumn = false, $exactlyOnce = false)
        if (!is_array($lookupVector)) {
            // Scalars are always returned "as is"
            return $lookupVector;

        $byColumn = (bool) $byColumn;
        $exactlyOnce = (bool) $exactlyOnce;

        return ($byColumn === true)
            ? self::uniqueByColumn($lookupVector, $exactlyOnce)
            : self::uniqueByRow($lookupVector, $exactlyOnce);

     * @return mixed
    private static function uniqueByRow(array $lookupVector, bool $exactlyOnce)
        // When not $byColumn, we count whole rows or values, not individual values
        //      so implode each row into a single string value
            function (array &$value): void {
                $value = implode(chr(0x00), $value);

        $result = self::countValuesCaseInsensitive($lookupVector);

        if ($exactlyOnce === true) {
            $result = self::exactlyOnceFilter($result);

        if (count($result) === 0) {
            return ExcelError::CALC();

        $result = array_keys($result);

        // restore rows from their strings
            function (string &$value): void {
                $value = explode(chr(0x00), $value);

        return (count($result) === 1) ? array_pop($result) : $result;

     * @return mixed
    private static function uniqueByColumn(array $lookupVector, bool $exactlyOnce)
        $flattenedLookupVector = Functions::flattenArray($lookupVector);

        if (count($lookupVector, COUNT_RECURSIVE) > count($flattenedLookupVector, COUNT_RECURSIVE) + 1) {
            // We're looking at a full column check (multiple rows)
            $transpose = Matrix::transpose($lookupVector);
            $result = self::uniqueByRow($transpose, $exactlyOnce);

            return (is_array($result)) ? Matrix::transpose($result) : $result;

        $result = self::countValuesCaseInsensitive($flattenedLookupVector);

        if ($exactlyOnce === true) {
            $result = self::exactlyOnceFilter($result);

        if (count($result) === 0) {
            return ExcelError::CALC();

        $result = array_keys($result);

        return $result;

    private static function countValuesCaseInsensitive(array $caseSensitiveLookupValues): array
        $caseInsensitiveCounts = array_count_values(
                function (string $value) {
                    return StringHelper::strToUpper($value);

        $caseSensitiveCounts = [];
        foreach ($caseInsensitiveCounts as $caseInsensitiveKey => $count) {
            if (is_numeric($caseInsensitiveKey)) {
                $caseSensitiveCounts[$caseInsensitiveKey] = $count;
            } else {
                foreach ($caseSensitiveLookupValues as $caseSensitiveValue) {
                    if ($caseInsensitiveKey === StringHelper::strToUpper($caseSensitiveValue)) {
                        $caseSensitiveCounts[$caseSensitiveValue] = $count;


        return $caseSensitiveCounts;

    private static function exactlyOnceFilter(array $values): array
        return array_filter(
            function ($value) {
                return $value === 1;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0