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<a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/images/tb_fr.jpg" width="632" alt="Amicale du conseil de l'europe" /></a>
<div class="text">
<div class="text"><h2>csdjns</h2><p><p>
</p></div><div class="ariane" style="clear:both"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/35-pays.html"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/images/icons/al.png" alt="Albania"/> <span class="pays_lib">Albania</span></a> <span class="sup_section_lib bg_profil_3"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/72-albanian-association-of-communes/">Albanian Association of Communes</a></span></div>
<div class="page_section" style="clear:both">
		<a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/72-albanian-association-of-communes/"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/photos/w180/h119/zc/albanian_association_of_comunes.png" class="photo1 border_profil_3" alt="Image du partenaire" /></a>
		<div class="gauche">
		<h1><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/72-albanian-association-of-communes/">Albanian Association of Communes</a></h1>
		<p class="profil">Albanian Association of Communes is a Partner association</p>
		0<ul class="acts"></ul>	</div>
<div class="ariane" style="clear:both"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/2-pays.html"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/images/icons/de.png" alt="Germany"/> <span class="pays_lib">Germany</span></a> <span class="sup_section_lib bg_profil_1"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/114-chemnitz/">CHEMNITZ</a></span></div>
<div class="page_section" style="clear:both">
		<a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/114-chemnitz/"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/photos/w180/h119/zc/chemnitz_opera.jpg" class="photo1 border_profil_1" alt="Image du partenaire" /></a>
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		<h1><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/114-chemnitz/">CHEMNITZ</a></h1>
		<p class="profil">CHEMNITZ is a Community partner</p>
		<!--		<div class="texte"><p style="text-align: justify;">
	Chemnitz as "City of Modernity" is a town with many facets. The third largest city in Saxony with about 241.000 inhabitants possesses modern architecture drawing a line to jewels of classical modernism, Bauhaus school and Art Nouveau. To these belong important treasures like Villa Esche and also houses of Gruenderzeit in district Kassberg and redeveloped Schlossberg quarter.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">
	Art and culture are modern: in earlier times with expressionist artist Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, who was born in Chemnitz, or Bauhaus school's icon Marianne Brandt. Today with Museum Gunzenhauser that houses around 2.500 artworks of classical modernism with one of world’s largest Otto Dix collection.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">
	Going one’s own way, a new way of thinking and doing anything unusual, makes the city and its people successful. For example the thermos flask or the first mild detergent were constructed here. Currently among others machines and manufacturing plants are being planned and built helping production worldwide. In Chemnitz it is about developing ideas, how to manufacture pieces more precisely, quickly and energy-efficiently.</p>
<p style="text-align: justify;">
	The Technical University, research institute like Fraunhofer Research Ltd. and successful medium-sized companies, mostly family-run businesses set out best conditions for an economic success story. This is accompanied by offers for families, education, art, culture and leisure time as well as attractive tourist destinations. Furthermore the city has a huge amount of parks and green spaces.</p></div>
		1<ul class="acts"><li class="ligne_activite">
						<a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/114-chemnitz/416--ton---werk---statt---clay-work-shop-.html">16/10/2012 : &quot;TON - WERK - STATT&quot; (Clay work shop)</a></li><li class="ligne_activite"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/114-chemnitz/">Toutes les activités SEDL</a></li></ul>	</div>
<div class="ariane" style="clear:both"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/2-pays.html"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/images/icons/de.png" alt="Germany"/> <span class="pays_lib">Germany</span></a> <span class="sup_section_lib bg_profil_3"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/79-leipzig---zentrum-fur-demokratische-bildung/">LEIPZIG - Zentrum f&uuml;r demokratische Bildung</a></span></div>
<div class="page_section" style="clear:both">
		<a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/79-leipzig---zentrum-fur-demokratische-bildung/"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/photos/w180/h119/zc/leip.png" class="photo1 border_profil_3" alt="Image du partenaire" /></a>
		<div class="gauche">
		<h1><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/79-leipzig---zentrum-fur-demokratische-bildung/">LEIPZIG - Zentrum f&uuml;r demokratische Bildung</a></h1>
		<p class="profil">LEIPZIG - Zentrum f&uuml;r demokratische Bildung is a Partner association</p>
		1<ul class="acts"><li class="ligne_activite">
						<a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/79-leipzig---zentrum-fur-demokratische-bildung/136-spin-your-future-.html">12/10/2012 : Spin your future!</a></li><li class="ligne_activite"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/79-leipzig---zentrum-fur-demokratische-bildung/">Toutes les activités SEDL</a></li></ul>	</div>
<div class="ariane" style="clear:both"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/33-pays.html"><img src="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/images/icons/ad.png" alt="Andorra"/> <span class="pays_lib">Andorra</span></a> <span class="sup_section_lib bg_profil_1"><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/181-pharma417/">Pharma417</a></span></div>
<div class="page_section" style="clear:both">
		<div class="gauche">
		<h1><a href="http://sedl.alnetis.fr/en/181-pharma417/">Pharma417</a></h1>
		<p class="profil">Pharma417 is a Community partner</p>
		0<ul class="acts"></ul>	</div>

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