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function lang($label) {

$lg['titresite'] = "ELDW Initiatives";
$lg['noresults'] = "No results";
$lg['news'] = "News";
$lg['acc'] = "Home";
$lg['accueil'] = "Homepage";
$lg['cal'] = "Calendar";
$lg['ami'] = "Information";
$lg['act'] = "Suscribe";
$lg['off'] = "Offres avantages";
$lg['bill'] = "Buy tickets";
$lg['ann'] = "Classified<br />Ads";
$lg['tac'] = "Contact";
$lg['logo1'] = "";
$lg['logo2'] = "Council of Europe";
$lg['tab_jours'] = array("","monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday","saturday","sunday");
$lg['tab_mois'] = array("","january","february","march","april","may","june","july","august","september","october","november","december");
$lg['cal_le'] = "the";
$lg['cal_du'] = "from";
$lg['cal_au'] = "to";
$lg['actu_ecrit'] = "written the";
$lg['sitesec'] = "Website";
$lg['noactu'] = "No results";
$lg['mail'] = "Share via Email";
$lg['print'] = "Print";
$lg['nextev'] = "Next events";
$lg['copyright'] = "Copyright";
$lg['legal'] = "Legal";
$lg['contactus'] = "Contact us";
$lg['email'] = "Your Email";
$lg['nom'] = "Your name";
$lg['prenom'] = "Your forename";
$lg['societe'] = "Your occupation";
$lg['telephone'] = "Your phone";
$lg['texte'] = "Your message";
$lg['archives'] = "All the news";
$lg['sent'] = "Message sent";
$lg['newsletter'] = "Newsletter subscribe";
$lg['birth'] = "Date of birth";
$lg['news_desinsc'] = "You are now unsubscribed";
$lg['news_insc'] = "You are now suscribed to the newsletter";
$lg['back'] = "Back";
$lg['error'] = "Error";
$lg['pasrempli'] = " is not filled in";
$lg['pasbienrempli'] = " is not correctly filled in";
$lg['sendmess'] = "Send your message";
$lg['suite'] = "Read more »";
$lg['Inscription'] = "Registration";
$lg['Community partner'] = "Partner cities";
$lg['12-Star City'] = "12-Star City";
$lg['Partner association'] = "Partner associations";
$lg['Community name'] = "Community name";
$lg['Postcode'] = "Postcode";
$lg['Address'] = "Address";
$lg['City'] = "City";
$lg['Country'] = "Country";
$lg['Population'] = "Population";
$lg['Populationformat'] = "(please do not use spaces, full stops or commas, ie 492000)";
$lg['Question colpartner'] = "Your local community organizes DemoWeek in partnership with other local or regional entities? Specify which:";
$lg['Website'] = "Website";
$lg['Contact'] = "Contact";
$lg['Mrs.'] = "Mrs.";
$lg['Mr.'] = "Mr.";
$lg['Last name'] = "Last name";
$lg['First name'] = "First name";
$lg['Email'] = "Email (used for administration)";
$lg['Function'] = "Function";
$lg['Phone'] = "Phone";
$lg["Activities's department"] = "Activities's department";
$lg["Register your community"] = "Register your community";
$lg["Register your city"] = "Register your city";
$lg["Edition"] = "Edition";
$lg["Editions's list"] = "Editions's list";
$lg["New Edition"] = "New Edition";
$lg["Why participate to Demoweek?"] = "Why participate to Demoweek?";
$lg["Civility"] = "Civility";
$lg["Register your association"] = "Register your association";
$lg["acc_site"] = "Events by country";
$lg["Association name"] = "Association name";
$lg["Engagements"] = "By registering partners must validate obligations:";
$lg["Email contact"] = "Email contact";
$lg["Types of activities"] = "Types of activities";
$lg["Traduction"] = "Labels";
$lg["Connexion"] = "Sign in";
$lg["Demoweek website"] = "ELDW website";
$lg["Congress website"] = "Congress website";
$lg["Please choose the type of your community"] = "Please choose the type of your community";
$lg["You register as Community partner"] = "You register as Community partner";
$lg["You register as 12-Star City"] = "You register as 12-Star City";
$lg["You register as association"] = "You register as association";
$lg["Administration Panel"] = "Administration Panel";
$lg["From"] = "From";
$lg["to"] = "to";
$lg["You will receive an email with our informations at :"] = "You will receive an email with our informations at :";

$lg["retoursite"] = "Back to the website";
$lg["adminhome"] = "Admin home";
$lg["mesinfos"] = "My information";
$lg["deco"] = "Disconnect";
$lg["hello"] = "Hello";
$lg["clic"] = "Click here";
$lg["decoclic"] = "to disconnect";
$lg["infosutiles"] = "Some useful informations :";
$lg["all_activities"] = "All the ELDW activities";

$lg["connex2"] = "Fill in your login";
$lg["connexok"] = "Connection success. You're will be redirected to the administration panel in a few seconds...";
$lg["passw"] = "Password";
$lg["passwoubli"] = "Forgot your password ?";
$lg["passwform"] = "Fill in this form to get a new password by E-Mail";
$lg["newpassw"] = "New password";
$lg["passwok"] = "We sent you an E-Mail, you can now login with your new password";
$lg["passmail1"] = "<p><strong>Hello,</strong></p><p>Here is your new login to access to the administration :</p><p>Login : ";
$lg["passmail2"] = "</p><p>New password : ";
$lg["passmail3"] = "/admin/connexion.php\">Click here</a> to login</p>";
$lg["passmailtitre"] = "ELDW : Your new password";

$lg['is_a'] = "is a";
$lg['profil_1'] = "Partner city";
$lg['profil_2'] = "12-Star City";
$lg['profil_3'] = "Partner association";

$lg['initiatives'] = "Initiatives by countries";
$lg['followus'] = "Follow us";
$lg['contacts'] = "Contacts";
$lg['contactfoot1'] = "Project team";
$lg['menu2'] = "Presentation";
$lg['menu3'] = "Participate";
$lg['menu4'] = "ELDW Editions";
$lg['menu5'] = "News";
$lg['menu6'] = "Toolbox";
$lg['menu7'] = "Initiatives";
$lg['menu8'] = "Partner Status";
$lg['search'] = "Search...";
$lg['login'] = "Login";
$lg['register'] = "Register";
$lg['allcontacts'] = "All your contacts";

$lg['seemore'] = "Read more »";
$lg['seeless'] = "« Read less";

$lg['colpartner'] = "Partner(s) :";

$lg['captcha'] = "Incorrect security code";

$lg['forum'] = "Discussion forum";
$lg['sedl'] = "ELDW";
$lg['ecritle'] = "Written the";
$lg['at'] = "at";
$lg['heure'] = ":";
$lg['supprimer'] = "Delete";
$lg['repondre'] = "Reply";
$lg['titreforum'] = "Title";
$lg['titreforumdesc'] = "Write here the title of your post...";
$lg['messforumdesc'] = "Write here your post...";
$lg['photoforum'] = "Photo";
$lg['linkforum'] = "Link";
$lg['linkforumdesc'] = "Add a link to my post...";
$lg['addforum'] = "Send my post";
$lg['respondto'] = "Reply to";
$lg['commentforum'] = "Write here your comment...";
$lg['annuler'] = "Cancel";
$lg['confirm'] = "Êtes-vous sûr(e) ?";

$lg['part_fillup'] = "Please fill up the mandatory fields";
$lg['part_notsubmitted'] = "This form is not submitted yet, you can still modify it";
$lg['part_submitted'] = "This form is submitted";
$lg['part_desc'] = '<p>The title of <strong>“Partner of the European Local Democracy Week”</strong> recognises local authorities and associations which have done the most effective activities in order to sustain local democracy throughout the year. This title is granted a posteriori upon review of the application by the Congress Bureau.</p>
<p>In order to receive this annual title, municipalities and other local entities must <strong>fulfil the following criteria</strong>:</p>
<ol class="listnum">
	<li>Allocate a specific budget for citizens’ participation; </li>
	<li>Run an ELDW promotion campaign (posters, promotion of activities at school...) using the ELDW visual identity decided upon and provided by the Congress; </li>
	<li>Carry out a number of specific activities linked to the leading theme of the year; </li>
	<li>Organise an event with a European or pan-European dimension to raise awareness about the Council of Europe and its Congress and to illustrate the role of local authorities in the construction of a democratic Europe. A Congress representative may be invited to this main event; </li>
	<li>Inclusiveness: extend the social scope of the initiative by reaching out to different groups of citizens, especially the groups that can feel excluded (children, elderly, women, Roma and Travellers, people with a disability, minorities…); </li>
	<li>Promote the engagement of young people and youth organisations, including by involving or creating youth councils; </li>
	<li>Implement sustainable initiatives thereby creating an environment in which citizens and local authorities share the same long-term goals, namely, to reinforce citizens’ awareness and participation in decision making; </li>
	<li>Implement innovative activities and projects.</li>
<p>If you fulfilled the criterias, you are invited to fulfill the form.</p>';
$lg['part_titre1'] = "1. Background information of the Local and Regional Authorities";
$lg['part_mayor'] = "Name of the Mayor/Chairperson";
$lg['part_address'] = "Address";
$lg['restant'] = "words remaining";
$lg['part_country'] = "Country";
$lg['part_website'] = "Website";
$lg['part_facebook'] = "Facebook link";
$lg['part_twitter'] = "Twitter link";
$lg['part_editionspart'] = "ELDW editions in which you participated in";
$lg['part_contactperson'] = "Contact person";
$lg['part_name'] = "Surname, name";
$lg['part_function'] = "Function";
$lg['part_phone'] = "Phone number";
$lg['part_email'] = "E-mail";
$lg['part_titre2'] = "2. Application Form Details";
$lg['part_stitre1'] = "I. Background and policy objectives";
$lg['part_stitre1desc'] = "To describe the main challenges your town/city is facing in relation with citizen participation.";
$lg['part_stitre2'] = "II. Preparation and Objectives";
$lg['part_stitre2desc'] = "How the local/regional authority overcome the difficulties on citizen participation. On which way the citizens included to the activities?";
$lg['part_stitre3'] = "III. Please provide some informations about the budget allocated to ELDW activities";
$lg['part_stitre4'] = "IV. During your the ELDW activities, did you / which stateholders you included? How did you meet them?";
$lg['part_stitre5'] = "V. Preparation and Implementation of the ELDW";
$lg['part_detail5a'] = "Which activities carried on regarding the ELDW activities?";
$lg['part_detail5a0'] = "Activities referring to the leading theme – Building Trust";
$lg['part_detail5a1'] = "Communication campaign";
$lg['part_detail5a2'] = "ELDW citizen participation activities";
$lg['part_detail5b'] = "Describe the details about the activity/activities.";
$lg['part_stitre6'] = "VI. Executive summary";
$lg['part_detail6a'] = "Please, describe what is your motivation to request the title of Partner of the ELDW.";
$lg['part_detail6b'] = "Please describe how the objectives of your activity reach a pan-European dimension.";
$lg['part_detail6c'] = "How do you consider your activities as inclusive? Did they reach out different groups of citizens and minorities/ underrepresented groups (children, women, Roma and Travellers, people with a disability, migrants, etc.)?";
$lg['part_detail6d'] = "In what way are your initiatives innovative?";
$lg['part_videos'] = "Add Video link on Youtube, or other channels";
$lg['part_photos'] = "Add Photo(s) (3 photos max)";
$lg['part_submit'] = "Submit";
$lg['part_save'] = "Save and Submit later";
$lg['part_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lg['part_mandatory'] = "this field is mandatory";
$lg['part_closed1'] = "Applications for the Partnership Status of the ELDW";
$lg['part_closed2'] = "Edition is closed. We thank those who have taken the time to apply. For further information, keep following the ELDW webpage and our social media channels.";

return $lg[$label];


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0