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<a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/"><img src="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/images/mail_header.jpg" alt="Amicale du conseil de l'europe" /></a>

<div class="text"><h2>Hello</h2><p><p>
<div class="actu" style="border-color: #9de5f1">
	<a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/en/news/7-website-development.html"><img src="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/photos/w220/h500/phpThumb_generated_thumbnailjpg.jpg" class="photo1" alt="Website development" /></a>	<h2><a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/en/news/7-website-development.html">Website development</a></h2>
	<p class="calendar">
		<img src="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/images/ical.png" alt="Calendar" />
			<a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/en/calendar/2-fevrier-2012.html">du 16/02/2012 au 28/02/2012</a>
	Morbi sed nunc venenatis quam malesuada fringilla non sit amet justo. Morbi accumsan tincidunt placerat. Donec malesuada ullamcorper quam in porta. Donec lacus orci, ullamcorper nec posuere ac, semper in arcu.</p>
	Ut eget adipiscing dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed mauris orci, pellentesque at blandit at, dignissim sit amet purus. Vivamus vitae lorem sem, a consectetur felis.</p>
	Sed rhoncus orci sit amet neque faucibus vulputate. Ut mollis elit quis urna bibendum mattis. Sed eu est nec odio facilisis gravida. Maecenas vel arcu lectus, vitae semper ligula. Mauris tempor lectus id metus rhoncus viverra. Aenean volutpat erat nec dolor commodo eu consequat tortor porta. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur id enim magna. Duis non justo et metus vehicula tempor. Morbi euismod faucibus eros, et porttitor leo ultrices sollicitudin. Nunc quis quam eu neque porta auctor. Ut quis neque turpis, in ultricies nibh.</p>	</div>

<div class="actu" style="border-color: #d5b7af">
	<a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/en/news/8-giboulees-de-la-marionnette.html"><img src="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/photos/w220/h500/0f689460da4a27b4f6eb9dd40dc321c8.jpg" class="photo1" alt="Giboulées de la marionnette" /></a>	<h2><a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/en/news/8-giboulees-de-la-marionnette.html">Giboulées de la marionnette</a></h2>
	<p class="calendar">
		<img src="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/images/ical.png" alt="Calendar" />
			<a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/en/calendar/3-mars-2012.html">du 23/03/2012 au 31/03/2012</a>
	From <b>11.30 am to 2 p.m</b>. on <b>Tuesday 7 February</b>, representatives of the Strasbourg theatre for children, the TJP, will be in the foyer of the Agora building to publicise this year’s Giboulées de la marionette puppet festival and answer any questions you may have.</p>
	From <b>23 to 31 March 2011</b>, the TJP, Alsace’s nationally recognised theatre for children, will be holding its spring puppet festival, the <b>Giboulées de la marionnette</b>. For the 23rd year running this inventive, ground-breaking event will offer a whole variety of shows designed to appeal to children of all ages, from 4 to 104. This is where puppeteering meets traditional shadow theatre, the new digital arts and every type of music, addressing contemporary themes or transporting you to the lands of your dreams.</p>
	The program including pictures and videos can be consulted on the website :<br />
	<a href="http://www.tjp-strasbourg.com/" target="_top">www.tjp-strasbourg.com</a></p>
	Contact : Nathalie Costes, poste 34.16</p>	</div>

<p class="small">Pour ne plus recevoir de mails de l'amicale du Conseil de l'Europe, <a href="http://serveurdev/php16.alnetis.fr/amicalesite/">cliquez sur ce lien</a>, puis cliquez sur "Inscrivez-vous à la newsletter", indiquez votre adresse e-mail et vous ne recevrez plus de messages automatiques de notre part.</p>

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